Description of the project: The project is a gender responsive green energy project which focuses on providing low cost solar electricity to grassroots communities. It is based on south-south technology transfer by women organizations with capacity building on environmental conservation and alternative income generating activities. It improves community livelihood with 98 solar electrified households direct beneficiaries, and 500 inhabitants through improved revenues. It empowers women through trainings and active participation.
Climate Impact: Emissions reduction through the use of solar energy for electricity in 98 households; re-planting of 5000 indigenous fruit trees on 50ha of deforested land. Awareness raising on environmental conservation. Reduced human pressure on forests, reduced indoor air pollution and environmental hazards.
Gender Impact: Using a gender approach through the cooperation of women’s organizations from 2 south countries : India (Barefoot College) and Cameroon. 4 trained grandmother engineers shared their knowledge with 17 local community members (12 women, 5 young men). Additionally, women farmers were trained on tree-planting and sustainable production of non-timber forest products. Women participate equally in decision-making and implementation. Improved household income through reduced electricity costs. Women’s empowerment through the creation of green jobs, and increased solidarity among community members.
Scalability /replicability: The project will be up-scaled in 2 more communities with over 300 households (1300 inhabitants). The replicability is ensured by the cooperation with Barefoot College grandmothers network, as they train grassroots women and support local community councils.