Description of the project: This project develops a locally organized safe waste disposal system for used cooking oil, transformed in biodiesel. It creates employment for women who have been victims of gender violence, and contributes to the reduction of water pollution and CO2 emissions. Otro Tiempo’s objective is to empower women economically and socially. In 2015, the association had 130 clients, and 3 full time women employees. It forecasts to increase the volume of disposed cooking oil collected to 90 tons by December 2016, and employ two new women in 2017.
Climate Impact: Used cooking oil is a problematic waste. Its inadequate disposal can result in harmful environmental impacts, by hindering sewage treatment and polluting ecosystems. In 2015 we collected 34 tons of waste cooking oil (WCO) and produced 30,473 liters of biodiesel. Biodiesel made of WCO produces 86% less greenhouse than petro-diesel. Our project has facilitated the home recycling of 2,084 houses. By 2016 it is planned to withdraw 102 tons of WCO, avoiding the contamination of 102.564 million liters of water, and producing 92,304 liters of biodiesel. This will prevent the emission of 246 tons of CO2 compared to petro-diesel.
Gender Impact: The objective is to empower women victims of gender violence economically and improve their living conditions and consequently the livehoods of their families. Otro tiempo provides training and income to women, offering them an opportunity to rebuild their lives. In 2015, the association has been able to hire three women, and expects to hire seven women by 2018.
Scalability /replicability: All the different steps and methodology for collecting waste cooking oil can be replicated very easily. There are three main steps: 1. Distribute bottles and containers at the collection points 2. During the distribution, conduct awareness raising on climate change and educate on the fight against gender-based violence. 3. The oil is delivered in containers and transported to the treatment unit for the production of biodiesel.