Description of the project: Women for Climate Justice empowered 15 women leaders from environmental organizations throughout Colombia, including from Afro-descendant and indigenous communities, to conduct climate justice advocacy focusing on gender equality. Baranquilla+20 designed and facilitated an online training course with of 9 modules enabling the participants to build different advocacy strategies for gender and climate justice in local, intersectoral and national spheres. The programme culminated a 3-day face-to-face Women’s Summit for Climate Justice in Bogota, creating an interactive space for exchange and network-building. Baranquillas+20 estimates that the Women for Climate Justice project indirectly impacted around 10,000 Colombians.


Climate impact
Women’s Summit for Climate Justice: a first of its kind
climate policy event in Colombia.
Policy paper, dialogues with other feminist groups in LAC, strengthened the recognition of women’s climate action.
Strengthens awareness raising and capacity building on
climate – 9 online modules, active network.
Gender impact
Strengthens women’s participation in climate policy
processes in Colombia, providing relevant tools to build
advocacy strategies.
Contributes to the integration of gender equality in
environmental organizations’ and collective movements’
actions for climate justice.
Fosters women’s education on gender and climate justice.
Scalability / replicability
Collaborating with the UNFCCC Women and Gender
Constituency, to enhance technical capacities and skills
in digital communication and print media.
The training’s methodologies and curriculum are open
source and entirely replicable.
Promotes and strengthens networking, and collaborative
work on climate advocacy and leadership.