Description of the project: Household cooking sector is the largest consumer of energy in Nigeria, with 80–90% of them using biomass, particularly fuel wood. This causes GHG emissions and air pollution. In a bid to mitigate this, RUWES in partnership with Nexleaf Analytics, identified clean and affordable cookstoves to close the gap in this sector. Women energy entrepreneurs were trained to use innovative technologies and financing schemes. This ‘Sensor-enabled Climate Financing (SCF) Project’ introduced the use of new scalable mechanisms to fund and deploy clean cookstoves in rural communities.


Climate impact
Black Carbon (BC) reductions in up to 100 households
reaching up to 345 tons of CO2 eq. emission reduction for the BC component.
Reducing indoor air pollution for households,
Strengthened skilled technicians and entrepreneurs
in the renewable energy sector.
Gender impact
Capacity building of rural women on energy technologies, entrepreneurial skills and financing mechanisms.
Sustainable income generation for women via
energy-related services.
Improved women’s participation in decision-making
about energy.
Scalability / replicability
Reduction of upfront costs, through microfinancing options to ease burden of payment by low-income women.
Train-of-Trainers allowing beneficiaries to take ownership of the program.
Development of an “energy entrepreneur kit” to sell,
install, evaluate equipment and provide after-sales service
to cookstove end users.