Interested in seeing our Advocacy in Action?
Head over to our WGC YouTube page:
MENA Feminists in Action: COP28 and Beyond!
MENA Women’s and Girls’ Demands for COP28
MENA Feminists in Action – in the UNFCCC and Beyond: Meet Fatima Ahmed!
SB June session 2021
Meet our Gender-Just Climate Solution awardees!
African Feminists in Action: COP27 and Beyond!
African Women’s and Girls’ Demands for Global Climate Policy

African Feminists Organising Towards A Gender Just Transition
SB June session 2021
UNFCCC Climate Dialogues 2020
Global Feminist Climate Advocacy
These videos have been produced by the Women and Gender Constituency, were created by Survival Media Agency, and implemented in a project financed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany.
Copyright: Women’s Environment and Development Organization /LIFE Education Sustainability Equality
Women and Gender Constituency at COP21 Paris
Gender Day at COP21
Women and Gender Constituency Press Conferences at COP20
Women and Gender Constituency and Members of the COP20 Women’s Caucus at COP20