Several regions in Burkina Faso are deteriorated by conflict and climate change. Faso Koom supports the resilience of 35,000 people in these areas by improving their access to water and their agricultural production capacity. Sustainable water management is ensured through inclusive governance based on a methodological guide and a gender diagnosis. Women are involved in local water committees and manage the standpipes. Local communities ensure soil regeneration and biodiversity conservation in 14 micro-catchments to curb riverbank erosion. Vegetable garden plots have been allocated to compensate for the preservation of riverbank strips, enabling beneficiaries to improve food security.


Climate impact
Soil and water conservation measures over more than 1,000 hectares enabled to capture 5,400 tons of GHG.
Transforming water hyacinth into solid and liquid fertiliser as well as biochar for vegetable gardens.
Improving water quality and quantity in 14 micro retention basins, each containing 500,000 m3 of water.
Gender impact
A gender diagnosis integrated the needs of transhumants, migrants and internally displaced persons.
Women participate in key decision-making bodies and contribute to the water distribution through managing the standpipes.
Women participate in key decision-making bodies and contribute to the water distribution through managing the standpipes.
Tree nurseries can be extended to neighboring indigenous communities.
2,367 community members have increased and shared knowledge on climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Periodical demonstrations of kitchen gardens in the communities.