Description of the project: Casa Grata is a decentralised and affordable youth-led solution that brings solar energy to dispersed and hard-to-reach rural households. The system includes a solar panel, light bulbs, a battery and a solar charge controller. This solution allows electronic devices to be charged and light bulbs to be plugged in, reducing school dropout rates, particularly among girls, and improving families’ livelihoods. Through the ‘Guardians of Light’ programme, rural women are trained as technicians to install, monitor and repair the systems, ensuring long-term sustainability in a difficult context of internal conflict.

Climate impact
Reduce CO2 emissions by replacing candles or diesel lamps with solar photovoltaic systems
Decentralised solar energy solution based on a community approach
Gender impact
36 rural women are members of the Guardians of the Light committee
Through a Train-of-Trainer approach, rural women are trained in financial savings and technical skills
Empowering women through meaningful participation in decision making
Scalability / replicability
Payment system based on interest-free credit and adjusted to the user’s income ensures wide dissemination
Communities empowered to follow their own development pathway
Internal conflict victims and displaced communities return to the land and find some peace

Financially supported by: Allianz Foundation, Turkish Cooperation for Development