Description of the project: LivMundi promotes sustainable, inclusive behaviour and actions in Rio de Janeiro, raising awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals, via a yearly festival and community initiatives. The festival covers topics such as climate change, social innovation, eating habits, circular economy, mobility. With 2 editions it reached out to 22,000 people of all ages. LivMundi mobilizes citizens to drive change and boosts local actions, for example a “mutirão” or solidarity initiative that helped school children from the slums improve their living environment via a crowdfunding campaign.
Climate impact: LivMundi is an exemplary project of public awareness and public participation for climate and SDGs, as it educates all kind of audiences on solidarity, ecology and habitable cities, such as empowering citizens to preserve the Tijuca National Park, the world’s biggest urban forest. Simple and practical changes in people’s daily habits transform the city into a better place, gradually reducing their carbon footprint and engaging in a virtuous, scalable circle.
Gender impact: The founder of LivMundi is a woman and she prioritizes women community leaders to select the festival themes and women-led organizations to launch initiatives. 70% of the speakers and 90% of the moderators were women in the last festival. This deliberate strategy aims to counteract observed gender discrimination and violence against women in Brazil, especially environmental activists, empowering them to transform their city for the next generations.
Scalability / replicability: LivMundi works bottom-up, encouraging citizens’ own initiatives, but working with multiple partners from associations to local producers and public institutions. Local leaders can act as multipliers, building a virtuous and learning cycle based on practical and successful experiences. The movement has gained recognition among citizens, civil society organisations, educative institutions and the media.