Luuka District is known for its large emitting and polluting sugarcane plantations. The Environmental Conservation – Sustainable Agriculture (EC-SA) project empowers teenage mothers, youth, women and people with disabilities from low socioeconomic and educational background to implement climate solutions. Over 250 participants were trained on organic farming and agroforestry, water conservation techniques and entrepreneurship skills. The program provides equal access to resources such as organic seeds, farming equipment and drip-irrigation systems, establishing demonstration farms. It resulted in improved livelihoods, enhanced food security, marginalized citizens leading in environmental conservation efforts.


Climate impact
Contributes to the preservation and restoration of biodiversity and increases carbon sequestration.
Uses organic compost, natural pest control methods and biological diversity to improve soil fertility and crop health.
Promotes water conservation through rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation systems.
Gender impact
Women contributed to defining time compatible activities and farming techniques that reduce their workload and create economic opportunities.
Challenges gender norms by engaging women in leadership opportunities and decision-making processes.
Facilitates the setup of women’s groups, networks and cooperatives to boost their collective voice and advocacy capacity.
Shares training materials, case studies, expertise and experiences with other organizations, communities and stakeholders through joint initiatives.
Beneficiaries could replicate this project in their own communities.
Advocates for the integration of the project successes into existing programs to influence policymaking.