Description of the project: Esperanza Humura carries out a program supporting women prisoners in Rwanda with a holistic approach. It includes awareness raising on their human rights and legal assistance, capacity building for future economic self-sufficiency, promotion of their nutritional health and that of their young children detained with them, as well as organic waste management for biogas production, composting and sustainable agriculture in the prisons vegetable plots. Launched as a pilot in Nyamagabe penitentiary institution, the project aims to be replicated in 12 more prisons of the country, benefiting more than 6,450 women.
Climate impact |
Promoting organic waste management and sustainable agriculture in prisons |
Production of biogas for use in prison kitchens, thus reducing the use of firewood |
Gender impact |
Economic empowerment of women, trained to develop income-generating micro-projects |
Awareness raising of women prisoners on their human rights, hygiene, reproductive and nutritional health, environmental protection |
Support to marginalised women who are invisibilized in social policies and public debate |
Scalability / replicability |
After the pilot project in Nyamagabe prison, Esperanza Humura’s ambition is to extend the project to 12 other prisons in Rwanda |
Cooperation with the Rwandan national authorities and penitentiary institutions: Rwanda Correctional Services |

Financially supported by: Membership fees and individual donations