Description of the project: The program enhances 15,000 farmers’ sensitivity and knowledge about weather and climate patterns. It helps them anticipate heavy rains and typhoons and interpret weather information for decision-making on farm adjustments and crop contingency plans. Localised, automatic weather stations were set-up, and 150 local government staff have been trained to interpret and post weather data and farming advice to publicly-accessible collection points. Climate resiliency Field Schools (CrFS) are established to train farmers in ecological agriculture methods to help them prepare for and cope with adverse short- and long-term weather patterns and climate change.
Climate impact: This emergency quick response program supported by 30 informed municipalities alleviates climate-related damages or losses in farmers’ livelihoods and assets. Additionally, the program rebuilds biodiversity with new, organic seed varieties and organic fertilizer made from compost, and integrated pest management brings back beneficial insects. Low emission technologies such as Rice Intensification using alternate wetting and drying reduce methane emissions by 50% and help retain carbon in the soil.
Gender impact: The Climate resiliency Field Schools follow open enrolment, including women and youth. The learning program is done on site, enabling participation of home bound women. The learning modules also promote diversification of income and food sources and capacitate women on activities traditionally dominated by men (i.e. fisheries). This helps increase their knowledge toward shared decision-making on family assets and livelihoods.
Scalability / replicability: The program is already replicated in 30 local governments thanks to documented manuals on Localization of Climate Services and modules for CrFS, reaching over 100 barangays and 15,000 farmers. Precise budget evaluations are available to install the program in municipalities and affordably integrate it in their local annual budgeting process. A minimum of 3-5 years of mentoring is required to achieve local appropriation.