A unique initiative launched by social enterprise ApiAfrique in Senegal, Weerwi, helps girls and women monitor their menstrual cycle and sexual health through a free mobile app, an online forum and edu- cational content in the form of a web series. The company also offers a printed booklet and community exchange workshops. Weerwi res- ponds to the climate crisis by promoting and manufacturing reusable hygiene products locally. After 12 months in business, Weerwi already counts over 100,000 followers on social networks and 20,000 downloads of their App.


Climate impact
Reduces waste from disposable hygiene products, a raising concern for Africa.
Promotes alternative products with a reduced carbon footprint.
Gender impact
Contributes to the fight against temporary school drop-out for 45 % girls in Senégal.
Weerwi provides reliable and accessible information for women and girls on a topic related to their health and well-being.
Contributes to promote sexual and reproductive rights for individuals, Human Centered Design.
The mobile App can be easily replicated: Weerwi is developing an English version for other countries in Africa
Broad dissemination via social media, partnerships with health professionals and local sustainable enterprises.
Facilitates the emergence of a local, sustainable value chain of menstrual products that can be delivered to Niger and Mali.