Description of the project: WADI NGO developed a scientific and sustainable ecosystem restoration model linking biodiversity and watershed restoration to ecotourism-based income generation for women and youth. The NGO works closely with the Dissi Women’s Cooperative which operates native tree nurseries (Aleppo pine, Carob and Atriplex shrubs) employing Bedouin women. WADI has trained 43 local women to become “citizen scientists”, to cultivate native species, prevent soil erosion and support groundwater recharge. By creating permanent and seasonal job opportunities with equal access for women and men, this project promotes social inclusion, and environmentally conscious practices.


Climate impact
Out planting processes mitigate the impact of climate
change and raise public awareness.
Native seedling growing and propagation restores
degraded ecosystems.
Watershed conservation and installation of efficient irrigation systems reduce water consumption by 2/3 in a semi-arid area.
Gender impact
Women acquire technical and leadership skills
Promotes social behavioural change in families and
Women involved in consultations and design choices at
local and national levels.
Scalability / replicability
Partnership with the International Center for Agricultural
Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) to optimize seedling process and the value chain of propagated iconic plant species.
Replicates best practices for biodiversity conservation and
social inclusion throughout Jordan and in other countries.
Participatory approach fosters the engagement of local
communities and ensures sustainability of the action.