Food Rights Alliance established sustainable, gender-responsive farm plans to bolster women farmers’ rights and resilience in the Teso sub-region of Uganda. They fostered civic awareness on women’s land rights and raised small farmers’ capacities on ecological, climate adaptive agriculture practices to drive transformations. The program focused on creating high nutrition farming models for food sovereignty, and reinforcing citizens consciousness via community platforms, partnerships with local governments and radio sensitization. Notable outcomes are women’s equitable access to productive resources and decision-making power leading to yields increase by up to 200 % while reducing social conflicts and gender-based violence.


Climate impact
Sustainable farming practices that protect land and regulate carbon emissions: crop rotations, soil coverage, rainwater harvesting, etc.
Reduced soil erosion through contour bund and enhanced tillage methods.
Gender impact
Male champions advocating in favor of women’s rights on radio talk-shows.
Provision of nursery care facilities during community meetings enable women to take part in equitable decision making.
Community awareness sessions focusing on women’s land tenure rights.
Community awareness sessions focusing on women’s land tenure rights.
Established platforms to amplify the voices of women and youth, enabling them to address issues related to agricultural productivity, household food security, and nutrition.
Contributes to reduce social conflicts and gender-based violence.