How to join

Joining the Women and Gender Constituency: Obtaining observer status and meeting Constituency criteria

To become a member of the constituency, your organization must be recognized as an observer to the Conference of the Parties. Information for organizations wishing to apply to observe the UNFCCC process can be found on the UNFCCC website.

Membership to the Women and Gender Constituency will remain voluntary for civil society organizations and networks who: Currently represent a civil society organization and are actively engaged at the national, regional or global level; Share the collectively developed objectives of the Constituency along with its basic principles, priority issues  and goals; Demonstrated previous involvement in the UNFCCC; Are willing to regularly commit to contributing to the responsibilities of the Constituency, through sharing and exchanging ideas, experiences and perspectives on gender equality and women’s rights, in the UNFCCC.

What your organization can bring to the Constituency

Leadership in mobilizing other new members

Regular participation in UNFCCC events and related meetings

Regular contribution to activities such as advocacy, training and research on the issues

Women spokespeople to contribute to sessions, meetings and broader communications

Grassroots members of women’s and gender civil society organizations and movements who can participate directly in the COP and other Constituency activities

WGC Member benefits: Participation means access, influence and support

Organizations which are members of the Constituency are active in a wide range of ways: they can take part in its meetings and discussions; provide people to speak at official events; tap into the diverse WGC network, take opportunities to organize face-to-face meetings with officials at the COP; and to be represented at official functions. Members will also have timely access to WGC information and will have a chance to participate in working groups as per their organizations expertise for mapping, strategy and advocacy initiatives. The Constituency supports member organizations with logistics for the conferences and sessions and enables their participating in current discussions, developments and research.

Joining our Advocacy team

This Civil Society Observer (CSO) list is for sharing key advocacy positions. Members (individuals or organizations) of this list must be actively engaged in climate change policy but not necessarily accredited to the UNFCCC. Subscription to our advocacy email list is possible via google form. The Women and Gender Constituency member organization need to be accredited to the UNFCCC. Our members share a commitment to gender equality and women’s issues as they relate to climate change. The Constituency is looking for new members who share this commitment and who can make contributions to strengthen the team.

Interested organizations and networks should answer the following questions:

    1. Briefly describe your organization’s role in advocating for gender equality and a women’s human rights perspective in the UNFCCC
    2. What are your organization’s key priorities on gender equality and women’s human rights?
    3. What is the primary interest of your organization to join the Women and Gender Constituency?
    4. How does your organization plan to engage in the WGC?

Please send your responses to our Facilitative Committee ( Membership of new CSOs and networks will be confirmed by the members of the WGC. You can find the full information how to get engaged as an individual or if your organization is not admitted to the UNFCCC here.

Women’s Caucus

While the Constituency is for civil society members, and the Advocacy team is for those actively engaged in climate change policy, the Constituency has established and hosts a Women’s Caucus and respective mailing list. The Caucus is a space for all those interested in women’s human rights and gender equality to network, share and collectively advocate. This list may be joined through signing up on the homepage of our website. Women’s Caucus meetings are organized during the official meeting time for the Women and Gender Constituency at each meeting and intersessional of the UNFCCC. You can find the full information how to get engaged as an individual or if your organization is not admitted to the UNFCCC here.

WGC Regional Caucuses

Since 2022, the WGC has been building its regional caucuses to strengthen the voice, power, and visibility of our feminist advocates from the global South, beginning with the launch of the African Feminist Taskforce in 2022, now formally the Africa-WGC as well as the MENA Feminist Taskforce in 2023, which will soon formally launch as MENA-WGC. We have also started mobilisation towards building the Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Taskforce in preparation for COP30 in 2025.

To join either of these caucuses or find out more, contact our WGC Coordinator.

Membership Withdrawal

Voluntary: Members may withdraw their involvement from the Constituency at any time through a written request to the WGC Facilitative Committee.
Involuntary: Members (of the advocacy list or the WGC) who consciously disrupt or jeopardize the workings of the Constituency or purposely disrespect other members may be withdrawn from the constituency and respective communication of groups.