Since 2013, Kopila Valley Women’s Center has uplifted 1,280 rural women towards financial autonomy and climate adaptation in the Karnali region through a holistic, ecological and rights-based model. The centre offers technical skills training in eco-friendly building techniques, electricity and organic farming, market access and financial literacy education, self-confidence and mental-health counselling, gender equality and human-rights awareness. Partnering with other organizations and local authorities, the program provides safe and supportive social net- works for trainees. To encourage women’s entrepreneurship, the centre initiated a start-up loans scheme with low interest-rates. 87 % of the centre’s beneficiaries reported gaining confidence and new skills.



Climate impact
Uses Compressed Stabilized Earth Bricks (CSEB), that reduce CO2 emissions by 75 %, and make better insulated, disaster resistant homes.
Organic farming practices provide climate adapted livelihoods and food security, while protecting biodiversity.
Gender impact
Women acquire new skills and self-confidence to access employment.
Loan scheme and support network enable women to start their own business.
The program challenges traditional gender roles and uplifts women from isolation and GBV.
Promotes skills and knowledge sharing with other organizations and throughout the community.
Sustainable, holistic and rights-based approach has ensured growing success and new partnerships over the years.