APPLY NOW: 5th Annual ‘Gender-Just Climate Solutions’ Awards

The Women and Gender Constituency invites you to participate in the 5th Annual ‘Gender-Just Climate Solutions’ Awards! These awards aim to showcase real solutions for a more just, equal and healthy planet. All types of activists, grassroots and women-led organizations and groups working on issues related to climate change are encouraged to apply. Three winning award… Read More

Meet the 2018 Gender Just Climate Solution Winners

On Monday December 10th, the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Women and Gender Constituency held its annual Gender Just Climate Solutions Award and publication launch at the climate negotiations in Katowice, Poland. The Awards celebrate gender-just solutions- aiming to support and scale up innovative initiatives that put equity and sustainability at heart. These… Read More

Peoples’ voices and urgent solutions dismissed at COP24 in Katowice

Press Release | 17 December, 2018 | Katowice, Poland Photo by WWF-New Zealand / David Tong After two weeks of intense negotiations, women and gender groups represented in Katowice assert that COP24’s failure to deliver on the 1.5°C goal and refusal to put people at the  center of climate action exacerbates rather than addresses the challenges facing our planet. The… Read More

WGC Feminist Demands at COP24

The Women and Gender Constituency heads to COP24 to demand real, sustainable, transformative change. The WGC has articulated these demands so we can collectively work toward the future they represent. Download here: ENGLISH | FRENCH | SPANISH Audrey Ledanois delivered the WGC Opening to share these demands. In addition, on Tuesday 4 December, the WGC hosted… Read More

Gender Equality in the Paris Implementation Guidelines

The Women and Gender Constituency is pleased to share its key recommendations for ensuring gender considerations in the implementation guidelines of the Paris Agreement. DOWNLOAD  Recalling gender equality has been enshrined in the Paris Agreement in the following ways: Paris Preamble “Acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of humankind, Parties should, when taking… Read More

Women and Gender Constituency joint statement on SB 48

May 2018 Real commitment to rights-based, gender-just solutions to climate change is imperative for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. The members of the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) participated in the SB48 climate talks that took place from 30 April to 10 May 2018 in Bonn, Germany. The sessions will be resumed from… Read More

Two Zones = Two Conferences

The following letter was drafted and shared with the UNFCCC Secretariat, on behalf of the Constituencies listed below: As we kick off 2018 and look towards COP24, we, representing key Constituencies of the UNFCCC, are writing today to share feedback on COP23’s concept of ‘One Conference, Two Zones’. While we very much appreciate the challenges… Read More

2017 Gender-Just Climate Solutions Publication

AT COP23, the Women & Gender Constituency’s (WGC) held it’s annual award ceremony & publication launch for the ‘Gender-Just Climate Solutions’. Each winner has received a seed grant of 2,000 Euros, travel support for one representative to attend the awards ceremony, one year of mentorship activities from the members of the WGC, and the opportunity… Read More

WGC Announces Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Winners 2017

14 November 2017, Press Conference Gender Just Climate Solutions Award Winners   WHAT On UNFCCC’s Gender Day there will be a press conference with the winners who will talk about their projects and the impact of being awarded. A COP23 official side event: Women & Gender Constituency’s (WGC) annual award ceremony & publication launch. Each… Read More

Press Release: WGC Action #MindtheGAP

MEDIA ADVISORY Media Contact:Hanna Gunnarsson +49 152 04058573 7 November, 2017: ACTION “#MindTheGAP” WHAT On Tuesday November 7, 2017, the Women and Gender Constituency of the UNFCCC will host an interactive ACTION at COP23 to highlight the importance of the Gender Action Plan (GAP) and reinforce our demands for the negotiations. We will be… Read More

Building Power at COP23: Key Demands & Events

The Members of the Women and Gender Constituency are headed to Bonn for the COP23 Climate Negotiations. We are going with a set of strong demands: Adopt a robust gender action plan Deliver on finance Plan for real ambition via the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue Effectively address loss and damage Implement rights-based national policies Create a… Read More

The Women and Gender Constituency welcomes 11 new members!

The WGC is pleased to welcome the following new members: · All India Women’s Education Fund Association (AIWEFA) · Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM) · Association Jeunesse Verte du Cameroun (AJVC) · FAWCO · Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK) · Italian Climate Network · Landesa · Margaret Pyke Trust, with the Population & Sustainability… Read More

Launching the Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards! (ENG, FR, SPA)

The Women and Gender Constituency invites you to participate in the 3rd annual ‘Gender-Just Solutions’ Awards! These awards aim to showcase real solutions for a more just, equal and healthy planet. All types of activist, grassroots and women-led organizations and groups working on issues related to climate change are encouraged to apply. Three winning award recipients… Read More

Women and Gender Updates for Upcoming Bonn Meeting

Updates on plans for the upcoming two weeks in Bonn, Germany at the UN Climate Negotiations. Daily Caucus The Women and Gender Constituency will host as daily caucus, open to all interested in women’s rights and gender issues, from 9am to 10am in Room: Kaminzimmer. Gender Workshop As many of you are aware, the Secretariat will host an… Read More

Rights-Holders & Duty-Bearers

Enhanced participation towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement should ensure representatives to the UNFCCC represent public interest and not private shareholders. The WGC believes that UN processes and agencies must maintain both a coherent understanding and enforcement of the concepts of duty bearers and rights holders. To avoid confusion the term “stakeholder” should… Read More

Gender Just Climate Solutions Publication 2016

This is the second edition of the Women and Gender Constituency’s publication ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Award’. It honors the fundamental contribution of women in the fight against climate change and demonstrates the pertinence of integrating gender equality in all climate policies. Gender equality: fundamental for the climate? Nobody can ignore the effects of climate… Read More

Women & Gender Constituency’s Key Demands at COP22

At COP22 in Marrakech, the Women & Gender Constituency demands  real action to promote human rights, justice and a sustainable future for all. The full list of our 18 key demands can be downloaded here: Download in ENGLISH & FRENCH.

Key Gender Events at COP22

A number of events focusing on gender will be held at COP22. Find out more about the activities of the Women and Gender Constituency, our themed Caucus days, as well as Gender Day and other key events in Marrakesh in our event guide (PDF). Updates will be shared during COP22 on Twitter @WGC_Climate. Don’t miss… Read More

Women & Gender Constituency Submission on Lima Work Programme on Gender

Earlier in 2016, the SBI agreed on conclusions which expressed support to the continuation of the Lima Work Programme on Gender and requested the SBI 45 to prepare a draft decision to be considered at COP 22 in Marrakesh. Parties and observers were invited to provide submissions on views on possible elements and guiding principles… Read More