Description of the project: Todos Juntos works since 2016 with indigenous women in Guatemala to improve their nutrition and environment. Supported by university researchers, the association trained 100 women in 4 communities, to set up mealworm farms that ensure an affordable and sustainable source of protein. Rural women are empowered as “ambassadors” of mealworm farming through a Train-of-Trainers program. They initiated a catalog of local food sources to preserve indigenous knowledge and improve food sovereignty, incl. dietary recommendations. The catalog “Bienes Forestales” is disseminated in local Mayan language and will be used to transfer ancestral knowledge to children and set up gardens of local plants.

Climate impact
Sustainable protein production with reduced water use in a drought prone region
Saving GHG emissions via reduced use of land and inputs
Biodiversity and climate protection through ancestral knowledge
Gender impact
Alleviates women’s workload for food production
Train-of-Trainers model with local “ambassadors” of mealworm farming
Income generation for women via local sales
Scalability / replicability
Program replicated in 3 departments of Guatemala
Open source approach and international partnerships with Universities and Foundations

Financially supported by: Individual donors, foundations