Addressing Militarism for Climate Action

The Women and Gender Constituency is pleased to share our latest issue brief “Addressing Militarism for Climate Action” authored by the Peace & Demilitarization working group, with particular leadership from our Members the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

Key Messages include:

  • The UNFCCC has failed to address the relationship between militarism and the climate crisis.
  • Allowing states to hide their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of their militaries has resulted in a lack of accountability for their impact on the climate crisis.
  • States are spending an ever increasing amount on their military budgets while failing to deliver on climate finance commitments.
  • Multiple large-scale wars and increasing weapons production, stockpiling, and military activity is increasing global emissions, perpetuating environmental racism, and hindering efforts to mitigate the climate crisis.


  • The UNFCCC must address the impact that militarism is having on the climate crisis.
  • Annex II states must be willing to divest from increasing military budgets and invest in climate change mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage and financing a just transition.
  • Governments must commit to thorough and transparent reporting of military emissions to the UNFCCC and use the upcoming updates to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to commit to verifiable reduction targets.

Download the brief here.