
Landesa (Rural Development Institute) is an international non-governmental organization that fights poverty and provides opportunity and security for the rural people living in extreme poverty through the power of land rights. The impacts of secure land rights cut across the spectrum of global development and human rights concerns– from health to economic growth, from women’s… Read More

All India Women’s Education Fund Association (AIWEFA)

AIWEFA is an NGO founded in 1929 under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi to inculcate a scientific temper in women’s education. In 1932, AIWEFA established the Lady Irwin College, New Delhi. Today AIWEFA campaigns and mobilizes nationally and internationally through its field projects, seminars, workshops, conferences, publications and networking to bring about a sustainable approach… Read More

Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)

WOCAN is a women-led international network that supports agriculture and natural resource management organizations to strengthen women’s leadership and mainstream gender into their internal structures, programs, projects and policies, with the overall goal of contributing to sustainable development and poverty alleviation. WOCAN has been active at the COP negotiations, including hosting a side event on… Read More

Huairou Commission

The Huairou Commission is an international network that builds the capacity of grassroots women’s organizations to wield collective influence for sustainable, gender equitable and pro-poor development, including at international levels. The Huairou Commission supported the grassroots leader Winrose Nyaguthi Mwangi, of GROOTS Kenya, to speak at the COP in Durban for a high-level event on… Read More

GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice

GenderCC aims to fully integrate gender justice across climate change policy. It works to raise awareness, build knowledge and capacity of decision makers, and empower women, youth and grassroots organisations to develop effective climate protection and adaptation policy. At the COP in Bali, GenderCC published several position papers which contributed to expressions of commitment to… Read More

ENERGIA International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy

ENERGIA, hosted by Hivos, seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. ENERGIA works in Africa and Asia with gender and energy networks to build sustainability of energy services and human development opportunities for both women and men. In 2009 ENERGIA co-coordinated an international alliance to include gender considerations and language in the negotiation process towards… Read More