Empowerment of marginalised communities for assertion of their rights and to promote relevant sustainable alternatives at the grassroots level.


Landesa (Rural Development Institute) is an international non-governmental organization that fights poverty and provides opportunity and security for the rural people living in extreme poverty through the power of land rights. The impacts of secure land rights cut across the spectrum of global development and human rights concerns– from health to economic growth, from women’s… Read More

Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)

WOTR works to empower communities in India through integrated watershed development on a sustainable basis. WOTR trains villagers to regenerate their watersheds by trapping and making full use of their scarce rainfall which not only vastly increases agricultural yield but enriches economies with greater opportunities and standards of living. WOTR is also an active member… Read More

All India Women’s Conference (AIWC)

AIWC is dedicated to the empowerment of women and children in India, working to help women ensure their rights and freedom from violence, and supporting women’s empowerment and preparation for leadership roles. AIWC became observers to the UNFCCC process at the Warsaw COP negotiations in 2013, immediately joining the Women and Gender Constituency.