Vital Voices Global Partnership

For more than 25 years, Vital Voices Global Partnership has been investing in women leaders solving the world’s greatest challenges. We are “venture catalysts,” identifying those with a bold vision for change and partnering with them to make that vision a reality. We scale and accelerate their impact through long-term investments to expand the skills,… Read More


Landesa (Rural Development Institute) is an international non-governmental organization that fights poverty and provides opportunity and security for the rural people living in extreme poverty through the power of land rights. The impacts of secure land rights cut across the spectrum of global development and human rights concerns– from health to economic growth, from women’s… Read More

Rural Women Energy Security (RUWES) Initiative

The RUWES Initiative was derived from a need to save lives, the earth and improve rural economy. It targets the under-served rural women who are usually off grid, energy-poor and have the highest incidence of health related issues from harmful energy practices. RUWES makes access to energy easier in a cost effective way for rural… Read More

Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK)

GUK works with and for poor, extreme poor, vulnerable, excluded and all other disadvantaged groups of people especially women, children, ethnic groups and persons with disability to bring a sustainable positive change in their lives.

Youth Action for Development (AJED-CONGO)

AJED-Congo  grew out of young people’s contributions and engagements with a range of issues including social development, health, poverty and unemployment, education, promotion of human rights, climate change and environmental pollution and the rights of women, indigenous peoples and vulnerable groups in the Republic of Congo. AJED-Congo became observers to the UNFCCC negotiations in 2013,… Read More

Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)

WOTR works to empower communities in India through integrated watershed development on a sustainable basis. WOTR trains villagers to regenerate their watersheds by trapping and making full use of their scarce rainfall which not only vastly increases agricultural yield but enriches economies with greater opportunities and standards of living. WOTR is also an active member… Read More

All India Women’s Conference (AIWC)

AIWC is dedicated to the empowerment of women and children in India, working to help women ensure their rights and freedom from violence, and supporting women’s empowerment and preparation for leadership roles. AIWC became observers to the UNFCCC process at the Warsaw COP negotiations in 2013, immediately joining the Women and Gender Constituency.

Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)

WOCAN is a women-led international network that supports agriculture and natural resource management organizations to strengthen women’s leadership and mainstream gender into their internal structures, programs, projects and policies, with the overall goal of contributing to sustainable development and poverty alleviation. WOCAN has been active at the COP negotiations, including hosting a side event on… Read More

Women Environmental Programme (WEP)

WEP is a Nigerian NGO working to address gender injustices on issues relating to the environment and economic and social rights of women and young people. WEP’s work includes raising awareness of the gendered impacts of climate change; advocating for natural resource management, land rights, social infrastructure, the management of environmental conflicts; and empowering women… Read More

Women’s Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)

WEDO is a global women’s advocacy organization aimed at promoting human rights, gender equality and the integrity of the environment. Through building alliances among a range of stakeholders, WEDO works to ensure women’s rights; social, economic and environmental justice; and sustainable development principles are central to national and international policies, programs and practices. WEDO has… Read More

International Council for Adult Education (ICAE)

The International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) is a global network of NGOs and networks which promote the right to learn. By supporting lifelong learning for people to contribute to communities and support social and economic justice, including in gender equality, the environment, cultural diversity and peace. At the COP negotiations in Cancun the ICAE… Read More

Huairou Commission

The Huairou Commission is an international network that builds the capacity of grassroots women’s organizations to wield collective influence for sustainable, gender equitable and pro-poor development, including at international levels. The Huairou Commission supported the grassroots leader Winrose Nyaguthi Mwangi, of GROOTS Kenya, to speak at the COP in Durban for a high-level event on… Read More

Global Forest Coalition

The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) is an international coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations defending social justice and the rights of forest peoples. The coalition participates in international forest policy meetings and advocacy campaigns, including contributions to the Agricultural Work Programme debates at the UNFCCC, and is a key member of the Environmental NGO… Read More

ENERGIA International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy

ENERGIA, hosted by Hivos, seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. ENERGIA works in Africa and Asia with gender and energy networks to build sustainability of energy services and human development opportunities for both women and men. In 2009 ENERGIA co-coordinated an international alliance to include gender considerations and language in the negotiation process towards… Read More