Women for a Change, Cameroon (Wfac)

Women for a Change, Cameroon (Wfac)works is anchored around advancing women and girls SRHR through advocacy and trainings, and build resilient feminist movements.

The African Women Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)

The African Women’s Development and Communications Network is a Pan-African Feminist and membership-based network. We ensure that the voices of African women are amplified, and that our needs and aspirations are prioritized in key policy dialogues and outcomes. FEMNET mobilizes African women towards the achievement of gender equality and the realization of women and girls… Read More

Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA)

The Danish Family Planning Association works on a mission to fight for sexual and reproductive rights; strengthen each person’s chances of making free and informed choices about sexuality, sexual health, contraception and abortion and advocate for everybody’s right to information and health services to sexuality, pregnancy and childbirth.

Margaret Pyke Trust

The Margaret Pyke Trust is a leader in contraception and sexual health and develops projects with partners in low-and-middle-income countries to improve sexual and reproductive health, focussing on family planning information and services. The Trust works to change global and institutional biodiversity and climate policy promoting the importance for the conservation of nature of removing… Read More

Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW)

ARROW strives to enable women to be equal citizens in all aspects of their life by ensuring their sexual and reproductive health and rights are achieved. Established in 1993 upon a needs assessment arising out of a regional women’s health project, where the originating vision was to create a resource center that would ‘enable women… Read More