COP25 High Level Segment, Gina Cortes

Madrid, Spain (Dec 10, 2019) – Gina Gortes from Women Engage for a Common Future called out structural violence, armed violence and extractivist violence rooted in patriarchy and colonialism. She laments the lack of progress under the gender agenda item and reminds parties that we are not here to let them trade-off between rights and… Read More

APA1-5 / SBI48 / SBSTA48 Joint Opening, Natsumi Yoshida

BONN, Germany (April 30, 2018) – Natsumi Yoshida of WECF,  in APA/SBI/SBSTA joint opening plenary, reminded Parties about the great eight – human rights, public participation, gender equality, the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge, food security, the imperatives of a just transition, ecosystem integrity and biodiversity as well as intergenerational equity – rights-based principles… Read More

COP 22 Closing, Carmen Capriles

Marrakech, Morocco (November, 18, 2016) – Carmen Capriles delivered the final intervention for the COP22, highlighting the key areas where Parties need to work on commitment and ambition. She stated for example, ““Women, youth and Indigenous peoples are telling you that unending growth, over-consumption and privatization entrench structural inequalities. As the climate stakes rise, women human… Read More

SBI 44 Opening Intervention, Franziska Loibl, May 2016

BONN, Germany (May 17, 2016) – On Tuesday, Franziska Loibl, Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) on behalf of the Constituency, provided an intervention at the opening plenary of SBI of the Bonn Climate Change Conference. She reiterated the “importance of technology transfer to developing countries and any technology transfer should be made accessible to… Read More

COP20 Opening Plenary, Carmen Capriles

On Monday, December 1st, Carmen Capriles, Reaccion Climatica, Bolivia, on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency, delivered a strong statement at the opening of the 20th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC, calling for full and equal participation, human rights, and gender equality as essential to achieving progress and climate change– alongside real and… Read More

Carmen Capriles- SBI Opening Plenary, June 2014

Comments and recommendations for Parties to consider in the areas of adaptation, mitigation, capacity building and participation. “where the SBI reviews work on mitigation and technology, we remind Parties that mitigation policies in general, and for the energy and transport sectors in particular, should build on gender sensitive methodologies to address the energy and transportation… Read More