RELEASE: Global Women Civil Society Leaders Speak Out in Lima, Peru

Global Women Civil Society Leaders Speak Out in Lima, Peru; Demand Urgent Commitments on Climate Action, Gender Equality &  Women’s Rights for New UN Climate Agreement in Paris 2015 Contact:   Bridget Burns, WEDO, +1.914.310.3270 Sabine Bock WECF, +49 (89) 23 23 93 8 12 Claire Greensfelder, WEDO/WECF,  +1.510.917.5468   FOR IMMEDIATE… Read More

Gender Equality MUST Be Central to New Paris Agreement

LIMA, PERU (December 2, 2014)— As negotiations opened on the new Paris Agreement here in Lima, at COP20, the WGC reminded Parties that we need ambition, real solutions and recognition of human rights, gender equality and the rights of future generations. Thank you Chair. My name is Mrinalini Rai, speaking on behalf of the Women… Read More

COP20: WGC Calls for a New Decision on Gender-Sensitive Climate Policy

LIMA, PERU (December , 2014)-– At the Opening of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI), Ms. Gertrude Kenyangi from Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment, Uganda, called for further strengthening gender-sensitive climate policy via a new decision under the agenda item on gender and climate change. Thank you Chair, My name is Gertrude Kenyangi from Support… Read More

COP20: WGC calls for safe, nuclear-free, low carbon technologies

LIMA, PERU (December 1, 2014)— On Monday, Kalyani Raj from All India Women’s Conference, on behalf of the Constituency, delivered a statement in the opening of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), calling for safe, nuclear-free, low carbon technologies which take into account the rights and needs of women and men Thank you Chair,… Read More

COP20 Opening: Women are on the frontline of climate action!

LIMA, PERU (December 1, 2014)– On Monday, December 1st, Carmen Capriles, Reaccion Climatica, Bolivia, on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency, delivered a strong statement at the opening of the 20th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC, calling for full and equal participation, human rights, and gender equality as essential to achieving progress and… Read More

New Climate Treaty Must Respect Human Rights

GERMANY (October 20, 2014)– As negotiations towards a new climate agreement commenced in Germany this week, the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) called Parties to raise ambitions, prioritize safe and truly sustainable solutions and ensure gender equality and human rights in all climate policies and action. On behalf of the WGC, Ms. Usha Nair delivered… Read More

Women Demand Climate Justice At The People’s Climate March

[SOURCE:] Hundreds of women and men, friends and family, feminists, activists, and allies, including long-time gender equality champion, former President of Finland, Her Excellency Tarja Halonen, marched together at Sunday’s People’s Climate March in New York City to proclaim that there can be “no climate justice without gender justice”. This sentiment acknowledges that women, particularly in… Read More

Highlighting Concerns on Eve of UN Climate Summit

On the eve of the upcoming UN Summit on Climate Change, commencing next week at UN Headquarters in New York, the Women and Gender Constituency to the UNFCCC, one of the 9 formal constituencies to the UNFCCC, recirculates a letter highlighting a number of basic concerns and recommendations about the organization and thematic focus of this… Read More

Women’s Social PreCOP Statement “Women want system change, not climate change”

From 15-18 June 2014, representatives of the Women and Gender Constituency attended the Preparatory Meeting of the Social PreCOP on Climate Change, organized by the Government of Venezuela on Margarita Island, Venezuela. As part of the negotiations of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Social PreCOP on Climate Change aims to channel the fair… Read More

Visit us at the Constituency Exhibit Booth!

BONN, GERMANY (June 13, 2014)– Just one more day to stop by the Women and Gender Constituency Booth! Find us next to Room Schumann and learn more about the work of our partners!    

Thank You Mexico- Championing Gender Equality in 2015 Climate Agreement

BONN, GERMANY (June 13, 2014)— The Women and Gender Constituency alongside the Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA) drafted the below letter to the Mexican Delegation at the intersessional in Bonn: To the Delegation of Mexico, on behalf of the Government of Mexico; The Women and Gender Constituency, representing networks of thousands of women’s rights… Read More

WGC Calls for Gender Equality and People Power over Corporate Power at UNFCCC Session in Bonn, Germany

BONN, GERMANY (June 13, 2014)– The Women and Gender Constituency made several interventions during the Bonn intersessional. Please find them below and on the Resources page. Lourdes Barragan, TEM on Land Use, June 2014 “Women are the majority of the world’s subsistence agricultural producers, poor livestock keepers and involved in natural resource management. Women play… Read More

Volveremos! We Choose: Renewable Energy. People’s Power now!

BONN, GERMANY (June 6, 2014)– More than 100 people held a demonstration in Bonn today, outside the hotel where the Ministers of Environment were meeting at the UN climate negotiations. Organisations from every continent – including trade unions, social movements, environmental groups, gender and youth groups, indigenous groups and NGOs –are demanding action by the… Read More

WGC Speaks at 2nd Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention

BONN, GERMANY (June 5, 2014)– Reaffirming the importance of climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information and international cooperation on these matters for achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention and for the effective implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions, COP 18 adopted the Doha work programme on Article 6… Read More

Bonn Climate Change Conference, June 4th to 15th 2014

The next meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2-5) will be held in conjunction with the 40th sessions of both the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 40) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 40). A high-level ministerial round table will take place… Read More

EU-Africa Ministerial Statement on Climate Change

On the occasion of the EU-Africa Summit, EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, the President of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) Binilith Mahenge, and the African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture Rhoda Tumusiime hosted a ministerial climate seminar in Brussels on 1 April 2014.

UN says China, US climate cooperation raises hopes for global deal

(Reuters) – Closer cooperation between China and the United States, the top two greenhouse gas emitters, on combating global warming is boosting prospects for a U.N. deal meant to be agreed next year, the U.N.’s climate chief said on Wednesday. Read more:

UNFCCC Publishes Note on Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings

(IISD) The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a note on arrangements for intergovernmental meetings (FCCC/SBI/2014/6), which addresses, inter alia: the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20); the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 10); and future sessional periods…. Read More

Letter to the Organizers of Climate Summit: Prioritize People-Centered Solutions & Promote Legally Binding Action

February 25, 2014— Click to READ the full letter sent by the Constituency to the organizers of the Climate Summit: “As the Women and Gender Constituency, while we believe it is crucial to highlight positive sustainable solutions, many groups and networks have expressed concerns for the framing and transparency of the Secretary General’s Climate Summit,… Read More

Powerful statement to world leaders united voices from around the world

In preparation for the 2012 COP in Doha, the Women and Gender Constituency launched a public petition of governments around the world to commit to the fierce urgency and ambition needed to solve climate change. This public call, from organizations representing thousands of women from around the world, demands an immediate response to the causes… Read More