Lourdes Barragan, TEM on Land Use, June 2014

“Women are the majority of the world’s subsistence agricultural producers, poor livestock keepers and involved in natural resource management. Women play an essential role in land use in general and future land sector and land use negotiations should recognize them as rights holders with unique needs, preferences and contributions and ensure that actions proposed are… Read More

Andrea Quesada, SBSTA Opening Plenary, June 2014

“In these past months SBSTA has made substantial progress integrating gender in some of its agenda items. Particularly, the Constituency welcomes the report of technical expert meeting on available tools for the use of indigenous knowledge and practices for adaptation, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation considered under agenda item 3… Read More

Bridget Burns, ADP Opening Plenary, June 2014

“The Constituency views this session as an important moment for articulating with Parties how gender equality can be appropriately integrated into the new agreement. Examples from the integration of gender into the Green Climate Fund architecture as well as strong language in the Cancun agreements on human rights and gender equality provide precedents and models… Read More

Carmen Capriles- SBI Opening Plenary, June 2014

Comments and recommendations for Parties to consider in the areas of adaptation, mitigation, capacity building and participation. “where the SBI reviews work on mitigation and technology, we remind Parties that mitigation policies in general, and for the energy and transport sectors in particular, should build on gender sensitive methodologies to address the energy and transportation… Read More

Traditional Knowledge and Gender Sensitive Adaptation

Best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches for understanding and assessing impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

Options and ways to advance the gender balance goal

Submission to the UNFCCC to promote gender balance and improve the participation and representation of women in UNFCCC negotiations, the COP invited Parties and observer organizations to submit their views on options and ways to advance the gender balance goal.

Report on gender composition

Report on the progress of gender balance, including the representation of women from regional groups, and a breakdown of the gender composition of delegations

Report on COP18 in Doha

Action taken by the Parties, including promoting gender balance and improving the participation of women in UNFCCC negotiations and in the representation of Parties