Talanoa Dialogue Closing, Maria Nailevu

BONN, Germany (May 08, 2018) – Maria Nailevu of DIVA for Equality, in Talanoa Dialogue Closing, shared her reality, her story of women in Fiji standing at the forefront of climate change. As a diverse woman in a frontline community to climate change, disasters are becoming more frequent and aggressive. Everything in the science and our daily experience tells that we are so late as current commitments lead us to a 3 degree+ rise scenario. She asked Parties to urgently lay out the political process for ensuring the Talanoa Dialogue, including clear activities at the next session in Bangkok leading to real enhancement of ambition, via support and stepped up NDCs, in the context of equity and justice.


Talanoa Dialogue Opening, Kalyani Raj

BONN, Germany (May 02, 2018) –Kalyani Raj of AIWC, in Talanoa Dialogue opening, welcomed in her statement the decision of the UN and the Parties for initiating the process of Talanoa dialogue, and the work the COP Presidency has put into designing this trust-building approach. Altough she showed understanding for the desire, to avoid ‘finger-pointing’, she also emphasised that in the quest to establish ambition, all participants must not lose the opportunity for frank and critical dialogue. She reminded that in the end everything in the science and daily experience tells that the world is so late as current commitments lead to a 3 degree+ rise scenario. Therefor she requested immediate ambition rising.


APA1-5 / SBI48 / SBSTA48 Joint Opening, Natsumi Yoshida

BONN, Germany (April 30, 2018) – Natsumi Yoshida of WECF,  in APA/SBI/SBSTA joint opening plenary, reminded Parties about the great eight – human rights, public participation, gender equality, the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge, food security, the imperatives of a just transition, ecosystem integrity and biodiversity as well as intergenerational equity – rights-based principles which need to be integrated into the Rules for Implemenetation of the Paris Agreement. Ahead of 2.5 days of gender related mandated events she requested Parties to support the Gender Action Plan adopted by COP23 with financial means and forms of legal policy.



COP23/CMA Closing, Chiara Soletti

BONN, Germany (November 17, 2017) – Chiara Soletti, on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency, in COP23/CMA joint closing plenary, thanked the Fijian Presidency for their commitment towards making COP23 a success. Yet, she also warned all Parties that this COP was characterized by slow progress and insufficient commitments. Whereas the adoption of the Gender Action Plan as well as of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform were milestones, funding for loss and damage was not put on the table.



SBI47/SBSTA47 Joint Closing, Ndivile Mokoena

BONN, Germany (November 14, 2017) – Ndivile Mokoena of GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice Southern Africa,  in SBI/SBSTA joint closing plenary, appreciated the adoption of the first Gender Action Plan under the UNFCCC. She emphasised that the implementation of the GAP needs to be closely monitored and fully funded, and that Parties need to come forward with those voluntary contributions. She also explained the WGC’s full support of the proposals of the Indigenous Forum and urged Parties not to undermine the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that clearly recognizes the right of Indigenous Peoples to participate fully and effectively in decision-making that impacts on their territories.


Intervention for Informal stocktaking plenary by the President, Dinda Yura

Bonn, Germany (November 11, 2017) – Unfortunately no interventions by Constituencies could be delivered in the Informal stocktaking plenary by the President. In the intervention Dinda Yura would have delivered on behalf of Women and Gender Constituency, she would have began with the intervention with congratulating Parties on the finalization of the text for the Gender Action Plan. She emphasised that the Gender Action Plan shill advance the implementation of existing gender-related decisions and mandates under the UNFCCC towards the full and equal participation of women in all aspects of the process and towards the development and implementation of gender-responsive climate policies. She also urged the Parties to committ to work on the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples platform. Lastly, she expressed her concern about the negotiations have been conducted behind closed doors, therefore wanted to stress our demand for a transparent and inclusive process.


Intervention for Presidency’s Open Dialogue with NGO Constituencies and Parties, Lisa Göldner

Bonn, Germany (November 8, 2017) –Lisa Göldner of GenderCC in Presidency’s Open Dialogue with NGO Constituencies and Parties delivered the intervention on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency. She re-emphasised the importance of full and equal participation of women and other marginalised peoples’ groups in UNFCCC process and the necessary  funding to support those groups. She also highlighted that civil society’s unique perspective should be promoted, such as  gender-just solutions which is showcased by the Women and Gender Constituency. She also shared the concerns of other Constituencies and urged the Convention must engage civil society to ensure a transparent process.


COP 23 Opening, Laura Cooper Hall

Bonn, Germany (November 7, 2017) – At the opening session of COP 23 Laura Cooper Hall of WEDO delivered the intervention on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency. She highlited the urgent need to raise pre-2020 ambition and accountability for long-term finance by providing increased levels of public finance. She further emphasised both GCF and the GEF as operating entities of the Financial Mechanism must mandate further progress to ensure that all financing is programmed and implemented in a gender-responsive way, serving public interests instead of corporate benefits.  She also asked the Parties to report qualitative information and focus on increasing transparency, accountability, adequacy, ease of accessibility as well as gender-responsiveness of financial flows.


APA 1-4 Opening, Vera Zhou

Bonn, Germany (November 07, 2017) – Vera Zhou of WEDO delivered the intervention on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency at the opening session of the APA. She emphasised that the implementation of the Paris Agreement must promote gender equality, human rights, the rights of indigenous peoples, just transition, and food security, additionally, she demanded all countries to fully mainstream gender into their NDCs. She also urged the Facilitative Dialogue to be a moment for enhancing ambition and delivering on finance.


SBI/SBSTA Joint Opening, Shradha Shreejaya

BONN, Germany (November 6, 2017) – Shradha Shreejaya of APWLD,  in SBI/SBSTA joint opening plenary, addressed the Gender Action Plan and reminded Parties that a comprehensive, targeted and resourced Plan is a critical outcome for COP23 and that Parties must make explicit financial commitments. She also emphasized the urgent need to break free from fossil fuel and ensure just transition regarding SBSTA agenda item 9 and the Nairobi Work Programme. She further asked the Parties to ensure a comprehensive participation of women’s civil society organisations and gender experts, throughout this process as well as on national levels.


APA 1-3 Closing, Stacey Kimmig

Bonn, Germany (May 18, 2017) – Unfortunately no interventions by Constituencies could be delivered in the closing plenary of APA 1-3. In the intervention Stacey Kimmig would have delivered in the name of the Women and Gender Constituency, we urge developed country Parties that their current commitments are insufficient to meet the 1.5° goal. We furthermore expresses our deep concern with the decision for exclusion in upcoming roundtable discussions mandated under the APA. We reminded Parties that observers are representing rightsholders and have for many years provided critical inputs to effective climate action.


SBI 46 Closing, Lisa Göldner

Bonn, Germany (May 18, 2017) – Unfortunately no interventions by Constituencies could be delivered in the closing plenary of SBI46. In the intervention Lisa Göldner would have delivered in the name of the Women and Gender Constituency, we thank Parties and Observers on the progress made at the in-session workshop towards developing a Gender Action Plan under the UNFCCC and stress that for it to be ambitious and comprehensive, it has to be anchored as an action plan informing all UNFCCC workstreams, moving us towards progress on gender-responsive climate policy in developing and developed countries alike as well as on women’s full and equal participation in all levels of decision-making. We urge Parties to make explicit financial commitments to ensure that it will be effectively implemented. Regarding the in-session workshop on opportunities to further enhance the effective engagement of observers, we call on Parties to strengthen the role of civil society groups representing ‘rights-holders’ such as women, youth, indigenous peoples and workers. Furthermore we called for funding for gender-responsive initiatives and spoken on the aption of the PCCB workplan.


SBSTA 46 Closing, Deborah Mugerwa Nalwanga

Bonn, Germany (May 18, 2017) – At the closing session of SBSTA Deborah Mugerwa Nalwanga delivered the intervention on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency. She pointed out that the multi-stakeholder dialogue on the local communities and indigenous peoples platform represents the need to ensure the inclusion of indigenous peoples‘ and local communities‘ traditional knowledge in all agenda items under the Paris Agreement and to uphold indigenous peoples‘ rights and especially indigenous women’s rights when implementing and monitoring NDCs and in all climate actions. She further emphasised that actions in the agricultral and land use sector have to be holistic and should complement emission reductions, as there is no space for offsets in a 1.5°C climate change scenario. Finally, she pointed out the necessity of further discussions on the five principles of the technology framework under Article 10, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement as well as on the structure of the technology framework.


SBI 46 Opening, Ndivile Mokoena, May 2017

Germany, Bonn (May 9, 2017) – Ndivile Mokoena of GenderCC South Africa, for the opening of the SBI, emphasized the importance of the development of the Gender Action Plan. It is crucial that this plan addresses greater coherence among the thematic areas, boards and bodies of the UNFCCC, on efforts to implement gender-responsive climate policy, as well as making progress on ensuring women’s full and equal participation in all levels of decision-making. She also raised questions concerning the terminology of ‘non-Party stakeholders’, as it cannot not be applied to all stakeholders equally: some actors represent individuals that are right holders, whereas others are representing private economic interests, which may be conflicting with the ultimate goal of the Convention.


APA 1-3 Opening, Dinda Yura

Bonn, Germany (May 08, 2017) – At the opening session of the APA Dinda Yura delivered the intervention on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency. She emphasised that all matters under the APA must be dealt with in a holistic view taking into account the preamble of the Paris Agreement that acknowledged gender equality, the empowerment of women, intergenerational equity, human rights, the rights of indigenous people, and a just transition of the workforce.
She pointed out that a process needs to be established to allow for the systematic review of these principles in all matters related to the APA. In addition, there must be coherence between the transparency framework and other key elements such as Adaptation Fund, Global Stocktake, NDCs and the compliance mechanism. Not least of all Dinda demanded that climate finance must be 100% gender-responsive.


SBSTA 46 Opening, Kate Cahoon

BONN, Germany (May 8, 2017) – Kate Cahoon of GenderCC, in the opening intervention of the SBI addressed the indigenous peoples platform and emphasized that indigenous peoples rights and especially indigenous women’s rights and perspectives have to be upheld when implementing and monitoring NDCs. She also welcomed the discussion of the technical expert groups on how to ensure economic transformation as well as a just transition of the workforce in the context of sustainable and gender-just development. She stressed that when talking about just transition from a women’s rights and feminist perspective it is crucial to look at current socially constructed roles and sectors including unpaid care work.


COP 22 Closing, Carmen Capriles

Marrakech, Morocco (November, 18, 2016) – Carmen Capriles delivered the final intervention for the COP22, highlighting the key areas where Parties need to work on commitment and ambition. She stated for example, ““Women, youth and Indigenous peoples are telling you that unending growth, over-consumption and privatization entrench structural inequalities. As the climate stakes rise, women human rights defenders protecting their land and water are at risk of being murdered by governments and corporations. Women climate justice activists like me should not be outlawed and criminalized.”


High Level Segment, Ipul Powaseu

Marrakech, Morocco (November, 17, 2016) – Ipul Powaseu of the Pacific Disability Network addressed the High Level Segment of the COP22, speaking on behalf of the WGC and sharing her own experiences. delivered the final intervention for the COP22, highlighting the key areas where Parties need to work on commitment and ambition. She shared, “I come from a small island in Papua New Guinea and the impacts of climate change are real for me. The shorelines are eroding almost 1 metre every year and for me, this is threatening my way of life, my livelihoods, and even posing greater challenges that as a woman with disability, I am also confronted with. Issues resulting from climate change impacts such as: decreasing food security resulting in malnutrition, decreasing access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, reduced access to infrastructure, shelter and basic services and increasing displacement are realities that I, as an indigenous woman with disability, from a small island in the pacific is faced with.”


Ban Ki Moon Farewell Event, Kalyani Raj

Marrakech, Morocco (November, 17, 2016) – Kalyani Raj spoke at the farewell ceremony that civil society organized for the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon who leaves office at the end of this year. She thanked the UN Secretary-General for being a force behind significant policy changes. “Civil societies’ inclusion under your leadership has strengthened enormously and we are extremely happy that NGOs have had number of platforms for participation and providing input at every stage.” Additionally she pointed out that in recent years a number of significant gender decisions under the UNFCCC have been approved and thanked the UN Secretary-General for his support concerning these issues.


Joint Intervention at High Level Dialogue on Finance, Titilope Ngozi Akosa

Marrakech, Morocco (November, 16, 2016) – Ms. Titilope Ngozi Akosa, of the 21st Century Network delivered a joint intervention on Finance on behalf of Youth, Women and Gender, Farmers and Environmental NGO’s. The intervention including 4 key asks related to enhanced ambition, adaptation finance, and accounting measures. The groups also demanded that all climate finance be 100% gender-responsive, as agreed in the Paris Agreement, with all obligations ensuring gender equality integration. The intervention further called for, “Specific measures must be taken to ensure that climate finance will be consistent with existing human rights obligations and maximise poverty eradication commitments. At the same time, adequate public climate finance must be accessible to the world’s farmers so that they can invest in climate-resilient and productive agriculture in the face of an increasingly uncertain future.”
