WGC calls out risky and dangerous market mechanisms for climate action

Response to Article 6 Paragraph 4 9 November, 2022 | COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt The Women and Gender Constituency is highly concerned about the content and process of the Article 6.4 recommendation document prepared by the Supervisory Body (SB) and sent for consideration and adoption at COP27.  The document produced did not respect the inclusive,… Read More

African Feminist Leadership at COP27

The Women and Gender Constituency is proud to be supporting a delegation of frontline and grassroots African leaders and feminist advocates to participate at COP27 and to raise the demands and voices of the African Feminist Taskforce. Semia Gharbi (Tunisia) Semia Gharbi is the chair of a national NGO, the Association of Environmental Education for… Read More

600+ Women & Gender Advocates Launch Demands for Climate Justice Ahead of COP27

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 4 November, 2022 Contact: Lindsay Bigda, lindsay@wedo.org | WhatsApp +1 207-385-7924 A coalition of feminist activists from the Women & Gender Constituency (WGC), one of the nine official UNFCCC observer groups, has launched a set of collective demands for climate justice ahead of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), to… Read More

WGC COP27 Key Events

Produced by the Women & Gender Constituency, this events list contains gender-related events at COP27. The list is organized by date and time. All times are in local time. Many events will be live-streamed on the COP27 YouTube Channel. Please feel free to use and share.

COP27: WGC Demands for a Gender and Climate Just World

As feminists, gender equality and women’s rights advocates from around the world—led by and accountable to the demands of frontlines, Indigenous and grassroots leaders—members of the Women and Gender Constituency have outlined below our key demands for the outcomes of COP27. As always, we uphold that there can be no climate justice without gender justice… Read More

Press Release: More Than 150 African Women and Girls Launch Demands Ahead of UN Climate Conference – COP27 in Egypt

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 18 October, 2022 Contact: Zukiswa White, zukiswa@womengenderclimate.org A coalition of African feminist activists has launched a set of collective demands for meaningful accountability and action for climate change ahead of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly referred to as COP27, to be held in Egypt from 6-18 November. More… Read More

African Women and Girls Launch Demands Ahead of COP27 in Egypt

After six years, the 2022 climate negotiations are now back on the African continent at this critical time of multiple global crises. Today, a coalition of more than 150 African feminist activists launched 27 demands for just climate action, calling for greater responsibility and urgency ahead of the climate summit (#COP27) to be held in… Read More

The Women and Gender Constituency at SB56

Gender Equality & Feminist Events Overview Produced by the Women & Gender Constituency, this events list contains WGC events at SB56 as well as events on gender equality and feminist climate action. The list is organized by date and time. All times are in Germany time/CEST. Events marked with an asterisk* indicate that a WGC… Read More

Apply Now! Call for 7th annual ‘Gender-Just Climate Solutions’ Award open

The Women and Gender Constituency invites you to participate in the 7th annual ‘Gender-Just Climate Solutions’ Awards! These awards showcase real solutions for a just, healthy and sustainable planet. All types of activist, grassroots, women-led and gender equality organizations and groups working on responding to the climate crisis are encouraged to apply. Three award winners… Read More

What should you know about the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan and the upcoming review?

When is the intermediate review of the Gender Action Plan happening? At SBI56 during the UNFCCC intersessional negotiations taking place in Bonn, 06-16 June, an intermediate review of the progress of implementation of the Gender Action Plan (GAP) activities will be conducted. The review will draw on the report prepared by the UNFCCC Secretariat based… Read More

CSW66 Parallel event: “Debunking the Myth of False Solutions, Towards Feminist Climate Justice”

The Women’s Major Group, Campaign of Campaigns and the Women and Gender Constituency proudly present our CSW66 parallel event: “Debunking the Myth of False Solutions, Towards Feminist Climate Justice” Gender inequality and the climate crisis are deeply intertwined. Women, girls, non-binary and gender-expansive people are not only disproportionately affected by the climate crises, they are… Read More

New Factsheet on Climate Justice and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

The SRHR and CJ coalition is pleased to release its factsheet in preparation for CSW66. Climate change, gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are inextricably linked. SRHR must be considered as a key component of climate adaptation and resilience action and of climate justice. The Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights… Read More

WGC at CSW66 from 14-25 March

This year the Commission on the Status of Women focus on the priority theme of “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes.” The outcome of the conference can inform other UN processes such as the UNFCCC but… Read More

PRESS RELEASE: The Power is With Us: COP26 Fails People & Planet

Download Press Release as PDF   PRESS RELEASE 13/11/2021 Contact: Mara Dolan, mara@wedo.org The Power is With Us: COP26 Fails People & Planet Glasgow, Scotland – After two weeks at one of the most exclusive, inaccessible and unjust COPs that the Women and Gender Constituency has experienced, Parties failed to meet the moment that our… Read More


PRESS RELEASE 7/11/2021 Contact: Mara Dolan, mara@wedo.org FEMINISTS BLOC HIGHLIGHTED GENDER JUSTICE  AT NOVEMBER 6 DAY OF ACTION Glasgow, Scotland – At 13:00 GMT on November 6, the Women & Gender Constituency and allies marched in a feminist bloc at the Global Day of Action March for Climate Justice.  Women climate and environmental rights defenders… Read More


PRESS RELEASE 5/12/2021 Contact: Mara Dolan, mara@wedo.org   ACTION HELD BY FEMINISTS TO  HIGHLIGHT MISSING VOICES AT COP26   Glasgow, Scotland – At 18:00 – 18:30 GMT on November 3, the Women & Gender Constituency and allies held a direct action within the COP26 venue to highlight missing voices at COP26 – both the activists… Read More

WGC COP26 Resources: Issue Briefs

View and download the WGC COP26 Issue Briefs You can also find all key resources from the WGC on the “Resources” page.

WGC COP26 Gender Equality & Feminist Events Overview

Produced by the Women & Gender Constituency, this events list contains WGC members’ events at COP26, as well as key events on gender equality and feminist climate action. The list is organized by date and time. All times are in UK time/GMT. Events marked with an asterisk* indicate that a WGC member is speaking or… Read More