Sliced food: women farmers boost food security and climate resilience

This entrepreneurial initiative started with the goal to reduce food waste and empower 1,500 small scale women farmers while providing affordable food options to Waruku, Mathare, and Kibera slum dwellers in Nairobi, Kenya. Inua Damsite community-based enterprise buys fresh farm products that are deselected by wholesalers, slices them into cooking-sized portions, applies preservation or processing… Read More

Jambo Jirani: empowering Maasai women and girls for climate adaptation

Safe Dada Foundation works with Maasai communities, learning and understanding their culture, to support them in adapting to climate change while promoting women’s human rights. The Jambo Jirani – Hello Neighbour-project assists girls who dropped out of school due to patriarchal discrimination, like gender-based violence, limited access to menstrual hygiene products, and domestic care burden…. Read More

Women’s leadership to reduce climate impact from chemical pollution

WECF and partners CEJAD, AEEFG, BIOM, WEP, NEXUS and Reaccion Climatic studied the gender-differentiated impacts of chemicals, plastics and waste in Bolivia, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria and Tunisia. They also displayed women-led good practices to reduce chemical’s climate impact and environmental pollution. Scoping- studies were carried out based on field-visits, interviews and data collection, analysing… Read More

Taka langu, jukumu langu – My waste, my responsibility

Ento Farms connects unemployed women and youth from urban slums with smallholder poultry farmers around Nairobi via an innovative organic waste management program. Bio-converting “Home Kits” and technical trainings empower women and youth to transform organic waste into a valuable resource using the larvae of black soldier flies. The larvae are collected and bought back… Read More

Indigenous women uniting to bolster their knowledge and resilience to climate impacts

This unique network of 64 Indigenous women CSOs has engaged over 1,000 women and girls in climate mitigation and adaptation strategies that improve water and food security for their communities. They have established kitchen gardens and are generating alternative sources of income through organic briquette making, native species tree planting, beadwork, medicinal herb collecting, and… Read More

Grassroots women-led climate information learning centre

Description of the project: In the arid rangelands of Kajiado County, Kenya, the Rural Women Network supports locally led initiatives with agro-pastoral communities to conduct climate adaptive agriculture for resilient livelihoods. A climate information learning centre was established after consulting 40 local group leaders. Over 600 Maasai women organized in self-help groups have been trained… Read More

Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya – WEEK2

Description of the project: From 2019 to 2022, WEEK2 promoted gender equality in Kenya’s energy sector. Kenyan women face barriers in access to energy technology, information and finance, leading to low participation in sustainable energy markets. 84% of rural households rely on wood as their main fuel, leading to GHG emissions and deforestation. Health impacts… Read More

Amplifying women’s voices in climate adaptation policies through visual storytelling

Description of the project: Recognizing the need to amplify the voices of underrepresented women in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes, the NAP Global Network has partnered with Lensational, a social enterprise whose mission is to empower women from marginalised groups and communities using photography. The project is providing participatory photography and storytelling training to women… Read More

Community-based climate adaptation and gender justice in Kenya

Description of the project: Since 2007, Church World Service has supported isolated communities in Kenya through a programme called Asset Based Community Development Framework (ABCD) to address both gender inequalities and climate adaptation. It includes gender-power workshops, parental education promoting girls’ schooling, and the creation of locally-led water management committees. The programme also tackles women’s… Read More

Women in urban slums act for climate resilience and Covid-19 recovery in Kenya

Description of the project: This project brings useful responses to specific gendered impacts of the COVID pandemic, which left many women in urban slums without a job while increasing their household responsibilities. AWAK trained 700 urban women in slums to convert former domestic dumping sites into vegetable gardens, using organic compost to enrich the soil… Read More

Safeguarding Endorois people’s knowledge and ecosystems via an inclusive and autonomous governance protocol

Description of the project: This project supports the discriminated Endorois people around Lake Bogoria to articulate their own priorities and procedures for the conservation of their natural resources by developing a Biocultural Community Protocol (BCP). It documents the ancestral knowledge of Endorois women and men on their ecosystems and provides proactive responses to climate impacts,… Read More

Miticash- Citizen science

Description of the project: Miticash is a participatory science project which helps women smallholder farmers become citizen agronomists and contribute to climate resilience in drought prone Kenya, using conservation agriculture techniques. 630 women farmers from the arid lands of northeastern Kenya and Boni forest were trained on selecting and growing drought resistant crops, ensuring food… Read More

A women-led permaculture global initiative for sustainable development

Description of the project: The project seeks to connect international actors participating (and willing to participate) in permaculture activities, while communicating human rights, peace, tolerance, and gender equality and, at the same time, acting on climate change. The project is comprised of three innovative basic concepts that are capable of securing healthy global partnerships and… Read More