Gender-responsive land rights framework for climate action

Description of the project: With increased pressure on land exacerbated by climate instability, women’s secure land rights can be an accelerator for achieving the goals of multiple global agendas. The Strengthening Gender-Responsive Land Rights project aims to increase the capacity of civil society and policymakers to integrate gender and land tenure perspectives into their programmatic,… Read More

Participation is power: women demand gender-just climate finance

Description of the project: Co-led by WEDO and Both ENDS, this initiative strives to build capacity and knowledge to track, monitor and influence the projects and financial flows of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). With the hope of mobilizing resources and support, the initiative is funding the direct participation of feminist and women’s rights activists… Read More

Not without us! Climate and gender justice in international climate politics

Description of the project: “Not without us” was launched in 2017 to promote the integration of gender justice in international climate policies and within the global climate justice movement. The aim is to support selected activists and gender experts from environmental groups and women’s organizations from Ecuador, South Africa and Indonesia in their attempts to… Read More

Producing local sustainable energy and enhancing inclusive business activities

Description of the project: WECF and local partners facilitate technical trainings to integrate renewable energy solutions, such as briquette production, solar pumps, photovoltaic and biogas digesters, into the activities of agricultural cooperatives. Benefiting from improved, sustainable processing of agricultural products and diversified activities, cooperatives generate more jobs and higher incomes for their members. They also… Read More

Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) in India

Description of the project: The CCRI carries out a participatory assessment and documentation of community conservation initiatives in the light of threats to their customary practices such as grazing and small scale agriculture, that secure their livelihoods. Communities in three ecologically diverse Indian states – Bengal, Maharashtra and Gujarat – identified external and internal threats… Read More

Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI): adaptable to different nations and contexts

Description of the project: The Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) aims to assess the legal, political, moral, socio-economic, financial, technical and capacity-building support that is required to sustain and strengthen the resilience of community conservation and restoration initiatives in different communities around the world. The methodology is a simple guiding framework meant to be adapted… Read More

Gender and territorial governance for a fair climate response: cases from Morocco

Description of the project: Aware of climate change challenges and concerned about fair climate justice, ADFM works for an effective participation of women in the development and implementation of efficient policies to strengthen women environmental and socio-economic rights at national and territorial levels. ADFM accompanied 11 local municipalities for the creation of an “Equality, Equal… Read More

Integrating Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiatives (GUCCI)

Description of the project: This pioneering project explores options for integrating gender and social aspects into urban climate policies in six pilot cities. It seeks to build capacity at local level and develop gender-responsive policy recommendations, in order to strengthen citizens’ ability to become involved in urban planning processes and implementation, and to enhance the… Read More

Women-led action research

Description of the project: The FPAR project was led by 9 grassroots women’s organizations from from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Vietnam, Philippines and Thailand to conduct research in their communities to document the impacts of climate change on their lives and to take actions to build a local climate justice movement…. Read More

Bringing climate and gender justice together where it makes a difference!

Description of the project: Until now, gender issues have rarely been addressed in urban climate policy. In order to close this gap, this project explores options for integrating gender & social aspects into climate policies in several pilot cities. It seeks to build capacity at the local level and develop gender-responsive policy recommendations with the… Read More

More than just green – towards a low-carbon and just economy

Description of the project: A sustainable economy respecting the planetary boundaries, based on human needs, global justice and gender equality must be part of the solutions to combat the climate crisis. Women’s business and start-ups play a progressive role in dealing with these problems. Most of them are small or micro-enterprises, like 96% of all… Read More

Minimum initial service package for Sexual and Reproductive Health services for women during post disaster

Description of the project: Minimum Initial Service Package in SRH Services is a post disaster adaptation strategy that includes coordination, services and planning. It ensures that women’s reproductive health needs are met, they have access to minimal health care services like prenatal care, assisted delivery, emergency obstetric care and avoid unsafe abortion. The initiative also… Read More

Improving livelihoods in rural areas with safe and sustainable energy and sanitation – practical solutions

Description of the project: In the WECF energy and sanitation programme, decentralized solutions (solar water heaters, solar heating, solar fruit driers, biogas, insulation measures, sustainable sanitation solutions) are implemented by locally trained craftsmen and women, using local materials. By providing energy security in a sustainable way the project contributes to improved living conditions and health,… Read More

A forest-dependent women‘s initiative to enhance community resilience to climate change

Description of the project: Forest-dependent women organized themselves into groups, communally constructed fuel-saving stoves and replaced their kerosene (fossil fuel) lamps with solar lighting (an alternative renewable energy). They also constructed water harvesting tanks and planted trees. The women established forest-based, non-extractive income generating activities like beekeeping for honey and medicinal plant cultivation and processing…. Read More

Amplifying voice and influence: women transform the climate narrative

Description of the project: This project, as part of WEDO’s broader work on mobilizing women for climate justice, provides mentorship and media training for women from frontline communities including indigenous, rural, and grassroots leaders across 8 regions. Goals are: 1. to build the capacity of individual women environmental defenders to pitch and share their local… Read More

Gender responsive energy cooperatives: a social business model to implement renewable technologies within Georgia‘s climate strategy

Description of the project: WECF and local partners facilitate the development of energy cooperatives as successful and sustainable business models by providing workshops, mentoring and knowledge exchange with international experts. Energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies are made accessible for a broad public, including women, through information events and citizen participation. These co-ops will support… Read More

Climate Justice – Feminist Participatory Action Research (CJ-FPAR)

Description of the project: APWLD believes that empowering women’s local movements is essential to achieving gender equality and shaping effective, just responses to climate change. APWLD supports grassroots organisations to conduct evidence-based community research on the impacts of climate change, design solutions and advocate for relevant policy and resource changes. APWLD uses a Feminist Participatory… Read More