Women’s center in Nepal promotes holistic resilient livelihoods model

Since 2013, Kopila Valley Women’s Center has uplifted 1,280 rural women towards financial autonomy and climate adaptation in the Karnali region through a holistic, ecological and rights-based model. The centre offers technical skills training in eco-friendly building techniques, electricity and organic farming, market access and financial literacy education, self-confidence and mental-health counselling, gender equality and… Read More

Women’s leadership to reduce climate impact from chemical pollution

WECF and partners CEJAD, AEEFG, BIOM, WEP, NEXUS and Reaccion Climatic studied the gender-differentiated impacts of chemicals, plastics and waste in Bolivia, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria and Tunisia. They also displayed women-led good practices to reduce chemical’s climate impact and environmental pollution. Scoping- studies were carried out based on field-visits, interviews and data collection, analysing… Read More

Strengthening community-based renewable energy systems

Empowering remote Indigenous People’s communities in controlling their energy production, SIBAT rehabilitated 15 Micro-Hydro Power (MHP) systems, providing uninterrupted renewable electricity for households, public schools, and Filipino barangay facilities. To ensure sustainable operations and maintenance, SIBAT trained local operators, of which a majority are women who gained a new social status. Each community decided how… Read More

Feminist framework for gender equitable climate disaster response

Baithak CSO and DASTAK Foundation, in their collaborative efforts to respond to the disastrous droughts and floods in Pakistan with a gender-just and an intersectional approach, developed a strategic framework tool for policymakers and practitioners. It offers actionable recommendations for gender-equitable response measures that meet the specific needs of women and girls during climate disasters… Read More

Build for Safety: women contributing to climate resilient housing in Bangladesh

In Dinajpur, Bangladesh, a construction training program led by AzuKo and a local NGO supports impoverished women with a comprehensive strategy. The program contributes to enhancing community resilience to climate-induced disasters by promoting eco-friendly design and locally available materials and strengthening women’s skills in the male dominated building sector. This multifaceted initiative challenges patriarchal norms… Read More

Advancing the labor rights of women cotton pickers in Pakistan

Description of the project: The Sindh Community Foundation uses a Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) approach to support the demands of women agriculture workers – particularly cotton pickers – for better working conditions and health services in response to rising temperatures. Located in the Matiāri District of Pakistan, the foundation developed an innovative advocacy strategy… Read More

Protecting Indian women farmers from climate displacement through legal empowerment

Description of the project: The Marathwada region in India has experienced five serious droughts since 2010, leading to debts, farmer suicide, and climate migration. Women farmers are not recognised as agricultural workers nor landowners by the state, barring them from access to public subsidies. Earth Refuge created an Emergency Response (ER) legal toolkit to defend… Read More

Gender budgeting for locally led climate adaptation in Nepal

Description of the project: Using a Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) methodology, WoNEE empowered 100 local women in the Satkanya and Bhaise communities in Nepal to act on climate adaptation by successfully advocating for gender-responsive budgeting and policymaking. Capacity building actions help formulate strategies for resilient infrastructure development and to create an enabling environment for… Read More

Women-led community water governance safeguards drinking water in Bangladesh

Description of the project: This project, launched in 2015 by the Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCBD), responds to the local drinking water crisis by establishing a community led water management system. The approach to ‘Bring Women into Action’ was implemented in three coastal sub-districts, where women had to face acute problems in fetching… Read More

Women-led mangrove reforestation in Sunderbans, India

Description of the project: Frequent cyclones in the Indian state of West Bengal damage mangroves, destroy agricultural land and affect soil fertility. In this context, inland and mangrove afforestation, as well as efforts to increase community resilience are crucial. This project, carried out by indigenous women, aims to train beneficiaries in the preparation of seedlings… Read More

Cool roofs for climate resilience and women’s economic empowerment in urban centers of India

Description of the project: For urban poor, home is also a workplace, especially for women in Indian cities. Rising temperatures and heatwaves interfere with productivity, subsistence and home comfort. Through this project, Mahila Housing Trust provided cool roofing solutions to lower indoor temperature and enhance well-being. Pro-poor solutions in roofing, walling and housing-ventilation were devised,… Read More

Inclusive, sustainable waste management in Delhi

Description of the project The inhabitants and entreprises of Delhi are generating excessive waste and civic authorities have no systematic sustainable waste management in place. A survey conducted in BudhVihar, a colony located in southwest Delhi, reflected that the locality has improper waste & drainage system, water logging, health issues and each household on an… Read More

Rural Tajik women implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda2030

Description of the project: WECF and Youth Ecological Center (YEC) empower Tajik rural women groups to boost the energy transition and agro-ecology in their villages. 155 women and 11 men from 4 rural organizations participated in technical trainings on sustainable water and sanitation, organic agriculture, homemade efficient stoves and solar technologies. Greenhouses allow farmers to… Read More

Women farmers transforming livelihoods in the drought-prone Marathwada region of India

Description of the project: The project promotes the recognition of 70 000 rural women as farmers and decision makers, with improved participation in agriculture and within households. It builds resilience in small, marginalized farming households through capacity building in resilient farming practices. Women’s agency is enhanced through land tenure rights, leadership development workshops and participatory… Read More

Women promoting clean energy on the roof of the world

Description of the project: This project in upper Bartang valley, Pamir, Tajikistan improves the life of women and local communities through efficient use of natural resources with affordable sustainable energy technologies. The project supports 55 women and their vulnerable families in 5 communities. Women and men participated in awareness raising and technical trainings, including exhibitions… Read More

Spotless Dame – combating menstrual hygienic poverty while reducing plastic waste

Description of the project: This project addresses the interconnected challenges of plastic waste, extreme poverty, unhygienic practices during menstruation, and sustainable livelihoods. It enables adolescent girls and community women to lead healthy lives by breaking myths and taboos surrounding menstruation and creating awareness about healthy practices. More than 6,500 Mera Pads -reusable cloth pads made… Read More

Game changing rice culture empowers rural women to ensure food security in South Odisha

Description of the project: Pragati is focusing on conservation and multiplication of indigenous varieties of seeds, facilitating seed exchange among farmers, mobilizing youth and enhancing their skills for revitalizing sustainable agriculture and involved in field research on indigenous seed systems and their relevance for Sustainable Development Goals of reducing poverty and hunger, ensuring gender justice… Read More